
Primarily, doctrine encompasses two things: Teaching, and fundamental belief. However, rather than make this simply a deeper look into the different points of the Statement of Faith, the purpose of this section is to delve into the doctrines contained in passages of Scripture and show their application. This section will also address controversial doctrines and explore whether they meet the test of Scripture, or not. In so doing, articles will intersect with the Statement of Faith at times. After all, the Bible is one book, even though it was penned by various writers over approximately 1500 years. (It is one book because it only has one Author – the LORD God.)

In delving into the various doctrines you will find (if you don’t already know) that every properly interpreted passage will ultimately lead one through the entire Scripture. Thus, every proper doctrine is tied to every other doctrine in Scripture. Before continuing on though, there are two passages of Scripture that are essential to know for understanding why one doctrine is scripturally proper, and another is not.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (II Timothy 3:16-17)


The Impossible Command

An analysis of John 8:1-11. This examines the issues of Mosaic Law application, the Lord’s requirements for man, and salvation.

Sabbath-keeping: Is it Necessary?

Examines the issue of Sabbath-keeping. Article is a response to an Atheist ‘non-tract’ that claims the Bible is contradictory on the issue of keeping the Sabbath. Article is applicable to Seventh-day Baptists and Adventists as well.

Article title is: Shall We Keep the Sabbath?

Of Angels and Men

Examines Genesis 6, verses 1 through 4 and the doctrine of angels consorting with women and having giants as a result. Studies the differences between the nature of man and angels.

Where Did the Old Testament Saints Go?

Examines the destiny of the Old Testament saints. This article is uses only Scripture in establishing where the saints went before Christ was sacrificed on the cross. Also examines arguments for alternative views on their destination and compares the justifications for such views to Scripture.

Were the Pharisees Fundamentalists?

Examines whether the popular conception of the Pharisees is actually correct. Uses the established dictionary definitions instead of commonly held definitions of those who disdain fundamentalism.

The Suffering in Hell

Examines the suffering experienced by those who are in Hell presently, and those who will go there. This suffering does not end when Hell is cast into the Lake of Fire, but has the suffering of the physical body added to it. The suffering is of the soul and spirit, and is all set to insure that the person focuses on themselves and what they have done.

The Scriptural Case Against Abortion

Addresses the issue of abortion from a strictly Scriptural perspective. This is to answer those religious leaders who support abortion and think the Scripture supports them. This is also to strengthen those who oppose abortion, but do not correctly understand all the doctrines that underlie the issue. Includes appendices addressing those doctrines.
This is book length and is a work in progress.

The End of the LORD God’s Patience

One of the problems of modern day Christianity is the widespread belief that people have all the time they need to ‘come to Christ‘ and thus put off dealing with that issue until it is far too late. Sadly, it is not understood that this idea is a false idea not supported by Scripture. Rather, Scripture teaches that there is a ‘point of no return‘ in which, if the person crosses it, they are permanently cut off from salvation.
It is unfortunate that Israel had to learn this lesson the hard way. But the LORD God was plain with them about the consequences, even as His word is plain to us. The article addresses this and demonstrates that this principle is indeed true.