No, the title is not lightly chosen. Neither is it a joke. Rather, it is a serious matter and worthy of sober consideration. The link given below is about a Federal firearms case. What is so striking about it is the blatant hypocrisies that are plainly evident in the case:
Velte pointed out that “There is no way for a citizen to know who is here legally or not. In fact, under Austin’s ‘sanctuary city’ policy, not even the police officer at the door of the gunshow was allowed to ask a person’s immigration status, yet the average Texan inside the show is expected to assume that a person standing before them with a Texas driver’s license is in the country illegally just because they look Mexican and speak Spanish.” Velte noted that the federal government’s lawsuit against Arizona was based on that very type of conduct: Concluding someone could be here illegally based on their looks or their language. Velte said gun owners in his group are outraged, and they want to know:
- Why is the illegal alien who purchased the gun, Leonel Huerta Sr., still living in Austin?
- Why does he still have a Texas Driver’s license?
- Why is ATF using illegal aliens to set up and convict American citizens?
- What has he been promised for his cooperation?
- Why has he not been prosecuted? He committed three distinct crimes: he purchased a firearm knowing he was an illegal alien, he possessed the firearm, and he transferred the handgun to another illegal alien (Hippolito Aviles, who was convicted and given time served on June 30, 2010).
- Why has Huerta Sr. not been deported?
The really sad part is that a jury of the defendant’s peers believed the hypocrisies told them by the Federal prosecutor and convicted the defendant, rather than simply refusing to convict. In English jurisprudence, the refusal of a jury to convict has always been an option when they believe the law has been misapplied or an individual wrongly prosecuted. It is one of the protections we enjoy(ed) from would be tyrants who exercise the law improperly.
You may read the rest of the article by going to the link below, and consider why the LORD God has allowed this to come upon us.