Ah yes, back to the “good ole days” where there exists no such thing as liberty of the conscience. Yes, you would never know this is America, nor would you know that the U.S. Army defends the United States of America. No, this is not the home of the likes of Patrick Henry, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, et al. Rather, “America” has chosen the road of persecutors and the thought suppression police.
The offense?
Preaching the gospel in church services!
Now, if the gospel cannot be preached in church services, just where can it be preached?
Worse yet, the offended party is a Brigade Chaplain at Forward Operating Base Loyalty in Iraq, who told the Unit Chaplain, Stuart Kazarovich, a fundamental Baptist, that the term “born again” was unacceptable and not compatible with the Army. ((Military honchos ‘suppress’ chaplain’s Baptist services))
Gee, I wonder who told the Brigade Chaplain that he set Army policy? The problem with the Army and its response is typical Army (which is why I joined the Air Force 28 years ago, and retired 8 years ago) — they are dragging their feet on dealing with an uppity Brigade Chaplain.
Am I surprised by this?
No, not really. Fundamental Baptists have never been liked by hierarchal, pompous, “organized” denominations that call themselves “Christian.” Moreover, fundamental Baptists are less liked by Muslims and other pagan religions.
The following then, is directed at the Brigade Chaplain of FOB Loyalty and his enablers in Iraq and Washington. They should recognize it. After all, spiritually, the folks doing the persecuting described below could well be their ancestors:
In Virginia, religious persecution, directed at Baptists and, to a lesser degree, at Presbyterians, continued after the Declaration of Independence. The perpetrators were members of the Church of England, sometimes acting as vigilantes but often operating in tandem with local authorities. Physical violence was usually reserved for Baptists, against whom there was social as well as theological animosity. A notorious instance of abuse in 1771 of a well-known Baptist preacher, “Swearin Jack” Waller, was described by the victim: “The Parson of the Parish [accompanied by the local sheriff] would keep running the end of his horsewhip in [Waller’s] mouth, laying his whip across the hymn book, etc. When done singing [Waller] proceeded to prayer. In it he was violently jerked off the stage; they caught him by the back part of his neck, beat his head against the ground, sometimes up and sometimes down, they carried him through the gate . . . where a gentleman [the sheriff] gave him . . . twenty lashes with his horsewhip.”
The persecution of Baptists made a strong, negative impression on many patriot leaders, whose loyalty to principles of civil liberty exceeded their loyalty to the Church of England in which they were raised. James Madison was not the only patriot to despair, as he did in 1774, that the “diabolical Hell conceived principle of persecution rages” in his native colony. Accordingly, civil libertarians like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson joined Baptists and Presbyterians to defeat the campaign for state financial involvement in religion in Virginia. ((V. Religion and the State Governments))
Obviously you don’t care what the Scripture states about what you are doing, so I will let you know what former President James Madison thought of you and your ilk:
Letter from James Madison to William Bradford
James Madison
January 24, 1774
I want again to breathe your free Air. I expect it will mend my Constitution & confirm my principles. I have indeed as good an Atmosphere at home as the Climate will allow: but have nothing to brag of as to the State and Liberty of my Country. Poverty and Luxury prevail among all sorts: Pride ignorance and Knavery among the Priesthood and Vice and Wickedness among the Laity. This is bad enough But It is not the worst I have to tell you. That diabolical Hell conceived principle of persecution rages among some and to their eternal Infamy the Clergy can furnish their Quota of Imps for such business. This vexes me the most of any thing whatever. There are at this time in the adjacent County not less than 5 or 6 well meaning men in close Gaol for publishing their religious Sentiments which in the main are very orthodox. I have neither patience to hear talk or think of any thing relative to this matter, for I have squabbled and scolded abused and ridiculed so long about it, to so little purpose that I am without common patience. So I leave you to pity me and pray for Liberty of Conscience to revive among us. ((Letter from James Madison to William Bradford))
No Brigade Chaplain, you’ve not thrown Stuart Kazarovich in jail yet, but given time and opportunity I’m certain you would.
You child of Hell.